Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Engagement Photo Shoot: How to create a unique shoot with your photographer.

There are three big things you should consider when you start thinking engagement photos.  You're going to want a unique photo album that really represents you and your S.O.  So when you meet up with your wedding photographer, keep these three things in mind:

1.  Your unique story.

How did you and your fiancee meet?  Did you guys come together because of a shared hobby or interest, or perhaps during an event you attended?  Are you old friends, or a new romance?  These ideas can be expressed visually, and I really love taking the time to get to know my brides and grooms and help them bring their story to life.

2.  Location, location, location!

You'll want to pick a good place to set as the background for your engagement session.  This can be a place relevant to your personal story; maybe where you met, or a place that represents a major part in your shared life.  Even though you guys will be the main focus of my attention as a photographer, the background can really bring in a quiet but uniquely "you" element to your session.

3.  Personal connection.

You should be comfortable enough with your photographer that you can really be yourselves in front of the camera.  This is partially in how you interact with your fiancee.  Are you trying too much to be perfect, or are you thinking about your future together and how much you love each other?  Give yourself time to relax and just be in the moment.  Is your photographer trying for some specific shots, or just taking pictures while the magic happens?

Check out some of my past engagement photos to get an idea of how I do my work.  I really enjoy these sessions, and getting to learn each of your unique stories.

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